FAQs: Title IX
If you feel that you are in immediate danger, please call 911.
What conduct is prohibited by Title IX?
Title IX prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex. Title IX prohibited conduct includes sexual harassment, sexual assault, relationship (dating or domestic) violence, and stalking.
What are WWU’s obligations when it has notice of a Title IX-related incident?
If the University knows about sexual harassment, Title IX requires the University to take immediate and appropriate steps to end the conduct, prevent its recurrence and, as appropriate, remedy its effects on the victim and University community.
Who is WWU’s Title IX Coordinator?
David Lindstrom
(509) 527-2259, or (509) 527-2222 after-hours
Who is WWU’s Title IX Case Manager?
Aman Kaur — Risk Management Officer & Title IX Case Manager
(509) 527-2259
What are the reporting obligations of WWU employees when they have notice and/or receive a report of a Title IX-related incident?
All Walla Walla University employees, except for those who have special professional status as defined below, must report all Title IX-related concerns to the Title IX Coordinator.
Who can I contact if I want to discuss a Title IX-related concern in a confidential manner?
Confidential consultations about sexual harassment, sexual assault, sexual misconduct, relationship (dating and domestic) violence, and stalking are available from persons who, by law, have special professional status (University medical / mental health professionals and clergy). A WWU student may contact the following offices for confidential advice and help:
College Place Health Clinic
(509) 382-8349Counseling & Testing Services
(509) 527-2147Campus Ministries
(509) 527-2278YWCA Crisis Line (24/7)
(509) 529-9922—Walla Walla
(503) 988-6400—Portland
(406) 542-1944—Missoula
(406) 245-4472—BillingsSkagit Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Services (24/7)
1-(888) 336-9591 (Rosario)
What safety measures and accommodations are available to someone who reports a Title IX-related incident?
Upon a report of a Title IX concern, the University will work with the parties to implement supportive measures to ensure a safe, hostile-free environment. Following an investigation and a determination that conduct prohibited by Title IX occurred, more permanent accommodations and supportive measures may be implemented. Accommodations and supportive measures could include housing accommodations, counseling services, academic accommodations, Security escort services, no contact orders, limitation on extracurricular or athletic activities, removal from University community, and other appropriate actions as necessary.